Protecting What You’ve Built &
Defending You When It Counts

Intellectual Property Litigation

Your intellectual property is more than just an asset; it can be the foundation of your commercial success. It’s what differentiates you from competitors. As the owner of intellectual property, it is important to not only know what you own but understand when to act if someone infringes on your rights. Conversely, if you have been accused of infringing another’s intellectual property, the success of your business may be at stake.

When it comes to protecting your intellectual property assets and defending your interests, you need more than legal representation. You need a strategic advisor who understands the ins and outs of your case. Our litigators at Gray Ice Higdon are equipped with a variety of engineering, science, and technical backgrounds, as well as a wealth of business and practical experience.

Whether intervening in a dispute early with risk-avoidance strategies, negotiating commercial resolutions, or aggressively and efficiently litigating a case through jury trial and appeal, our strategic litigators work closely with you to offer creative and cost-effective solutions.